The image above is a tapestry titled The Last Supper created by Bernard Van Orley woven by Pieter de Pannemaker created in Brussels 1525-28. According to the video titled "The rare tapestry that changed how others were made / Art, explained" created by The Met the tapestry was woven sideways on from gold and silver thread and wool and silk of single colors. The tapestry is a connection of the reinvention of Rome by the Catholic church. The image above is interesting because it's the last supper is where christ is having supper with his disciples where he tells them he knows someone in there will betray him where they show their reaction. The image shows the texture and reaction with woven creation makes it look expressive. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, "Bernard van Orley and Pieter de Pannemaker, The Last Supper ," in Smarthistory , January 25, 2016, accessed February 20, 2023,